Dr. Noʻeau Peralto
Executive Director, Hui Mālama i ke Ala ʻŪlili
About this speaker
Dr. Noʻeau Peralto was born and raised in Waiākea Uka, Hilo, Hawaiʻi, and is a proud descendant of kūpuna from Koholālele, Hāmākua, Hawaiʻi. He is a community builder, educator, and a cultivator of seeds and stories, and holds a PhD. in Indigenous Politics from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. His dissertation research explored the continuity of aloha ʻāina praxis in his home community of Hāmākua Hikina through the land- and story-based resurgence work of Hui Mālama i ke Ala ʻŪlili (huiMAU), of which he is a founding member, a former president of the Board of Directors, and has served as the Executive Director since 2017. huiMAU is a community nonprofit organization based in Hāmākua Hikina (East Hāmākua) on Hawai‘i Island, whose mission is to re-establish the systems that sustain our community through place-based educational initiatives and ‘āina-centered practices that cultivate abundance, regenerate responsibilities, and promote collective health and well-being.